Friday, February 15, 2013

Short but Sweet

I think lately there has started to become a shift in things as they pertain to myself. I have went through the rough times and perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel. It has started with my career which I have started a new role that I really love. I mean there is a lot to it but it keeps me busy at work and on my toes.

As far as circle of friends, I have been rotating them in and out so to speak. I mean some people I have cut of purposely as they were not adding value to my life and some people have been re-established as I pushed people away when I was going through my stressful times. One thing I can say is that I have strengthened some relationships based on feedback of me needing to open up more to people. Also, allowing people to know more about who "David" is even if some of it left me a little bit vulnerable.

I feel lately I have been able to try to adjust to the changes in my life and start to travel again. Along the way I have been privileged to meet many new people that are playing a role in my life as new acquaintances and potential new friends. I think as far as love interest, I still have a long time before I should even desire someone to get close to me. Not because I am not ready but because I need time to breathe. Dating is possible, but relationship at this time is not site. I will still be me and never lose my values, but I also will allow someone to show me their true self and if they are really into me then they will put in the time and effort to date and know me....Even if for 2 years j/k.

It was Valentines Day and it appears to have been a regular day, but truthful everyday should be Valentines Day not just one day to go overboard to show someone you love them. Hopefully one day I will be able to again show someone unconditional love and receive it back.

On that note I am going to bed. Good ghost readers!

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